These tumbled SNOW QUARTZ are a translucent white. They are unsorted and contain a small amount of other stones and possibly wood chips. They look great in a bowl, for art projects, or as a base to set other stones or objects on.
SIZE: Most are 4-10mm long, xmini size. They tend to run more toward the 10mm than most of our xmini.
WEIGHT: Each package weighs 1/2 pound.
COUNT: There are generally around 2 to 3 thousand in a package of xmini stones. They are sold by weight and have been screened for size. There is no quarentee on the count because of the differences between lots. The count is only a rough guide for the buyer.
ORGIN: Various places
PICTURES: The pictures of a 1/2 pound are typical of the size and quality. The stones are photographed dry. The scale in the pictures is in inches.