FADEN Quartz specimens
Faden Quartz is quartz that forms in cracks and fissures from a silica rich fluid. As the crack or fissure widens, the quartz crystal formation grows to fill the gap. Movements of the host rock may break the formation, but eventually it heals and continues to expand to fill the gap, as long as the necessary elements are present. Sometimes the Faden quartz are single crystals, but most of the specimens in the parcel are multiples. It is common to see a wispy white line through the center of the formation - the "thread" (Faden means "thread" in German). The blades of quartz tend to be tabular and flattened, depending on the width of the crack in which it forms. Because Faden quartz is formed by quartz crystals healing across a gap or bridging a break in the host rock, it inspires a number of attributes related to healing breaks and reaching across gaps.
Faden Quartz is considered a master healing crystal and is valuable not only as an amazing geological phenomenon but as a necessary part of the metaphysical practitioners healing regimen.
Source: Our crystals come from the NW frontier of Pakistan, in the mountains of the Waziristan district of the Bannu Division of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province.
And now this: Thanks so much for viewing my listing. I spent much of my life at sea, but I have always been very attracted to land. I especially like things that sparkle or are otherwise beautiful because they are different or uncommon. So I got into rocks. Many of my customers purchase crystals and minerals for collections, jewelry making or home beautification, but some purchase my crystals and stones for metaphysical reasons. Although I am trained in science (I have a B.S. in Zoology and an M.S. in Neurophysiology), I believe crystals and other stones are excellent conduits of various kinds of information and power from worlds unseen that can directly affect our physical and spiritual lives. That said, I am reluctant to provide detailed information on what various kinds of crystals and stones are supposed to do. Sometimes I provide some general information about how some people use them, but I believe that stones and crystals work in different ways for different people in different circumstances. Much of it depends on you. So use them however you like. Thanks! Please see my ebay store for more!